Thursday, July 14, 2011

What should I do about my ankle?

On June 9, I was on my trampoline with my friends and i twisted my right ankle (The bottom of my right foot curved inwards and i landed like on the left side of my foot) It hurt pretty bad and since I have never broken nor sprained anything I couldn't tell which it was. My friends told me it would probably be hurting a lot more if it was actually broken so we are assuming its a sprain. So far, we have just been using RICE like all freaking day. It is helping but i have read some horror stories that people treat a sprain and its actually broken and can never really move that bone very well again. Should I go to the doctor or should I continue to treat it like a sprain? It is swollen, red, and I am starting to be able to put pressure on it but not much. We have it wrapped up and I can kind of limp around to walk now because I am talking Advil and it doesn't hurt as bad. Any suggestions?

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